Tag Archives: Human

The Curious Case of Matthew and Michael Clark

Brothers Matthew and Michael Clark

Recently, I came across the story of Matthew and Michael Clark, two brothers whom many call “Benjamin Buttons in real life.” These two men suffer from Leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disorder that affects cells located in the white matter of the brain. As a result of this disorder, they actually age backwards, meaning their brain development will occur backwards. Usually appearing during infancy, it can become very difficult to detect. Since there is no available cure yet for Leukodystrophy, scientists are testing to see if bone marrow transplants will cure this disorder.

There have been very few cases of this puzzling disorder in history. These men, formerly regular men with families, now live with their parents, playing with board games and toys such as Mr. Potato Head. As of April earlier this year, their mental age has been estimated to be that of a ten-year-old.

Below is a video from the UK’s Channel 4 showing their story:

The Clark Brothers.

Hopefully a scientific breakthrough can help these two brothers get back on the right track in the future.



